
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
5th July 2021
Windsurfing: The Manor-Felixstowe Wind Direction: S Wind Stength: 12/18 Surf / Sea State: lumpy mess Air Temperature: 18 Sea Temperature: 16 Weather: sunny periods Max Speed: 20.002 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 34.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Monday 5th July- Windsurf ***** - The Manor at Felixstowe – sunny
Fin – 20.002 knot max, 17.91 knot ave., 12.03 knot hour, 16.54 knot mile,
55.84 km.,5.33 knot alpha.
Fanatic Cat with Tushingham Lightning 8.5m and 39 fin.
July continues to be good for wind with slightly more than yesterday so
after doing my exercises in the sunshine in our back garden I made a
sandwich, hitched the trailer and headed off around one. I was not sure
what venue today, I decided to try The Manor first and managed to park at
the end of the prom which made my mind up to sail there. The onshore wind
looked strong enough to shortboard and when I get a gust of 23 mph, I
decided to rig my 7m and put both my 133lt. and 115lt. on the beach ready!
Michael Galbraith was out foiling launching a few groynes along with 5.5 I
think but didn’t look overly powered up so I was not sure it was windy
enough; my suspicions were confirmed by the time I got my shortie on so I
quickly rigged my 8.5 and took my longboard out again a decision I quickly
learned was idea:) I headed off broad with the track back and the dagger
board up and planed all the way past the red and wite bouy in front of The
Dip, not flat out but definitely faster than yesterday. The sea was pretty
big but by sailing broad you smoothed most of the lumps out and running
down the waves before heading up again to keep moving fast is as much fun
as you can have on a board, despite the long length of my raceboard it
sails like a shortboard with a reasonable top speed considering how heavy
it is! The beat back was again top notch, just can’t get enough of this
upwind action cutting through the big waves, so good. I was having so much
fun I did that three times, easy sailing with little effort and was now
joined on the water by Robert,Al, Chris, Ian, Chris and Andy on a mix of
fin and foil but to be honest it was probably marginal for fin sailing
unless you had big gear! Sadly, the sun had gone but it was still warm so I
decided to go for another ¾ mile reach and in the end did it three more
times before calling it a day. Tomorrow is looking mega windy but after two
days out on the longboard I can’t face the drive and walk out so if I go,
I will stay local, perhaps Levington in the morning if not raining and
blowing mental!
PS. Got a few pics of the afternoon but they are not great, not helped by
the fact the sailors were a long way out to sea!
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